About Us

LifeAnnuities.com is an online annuity brokerage in business since 1972 and online since 1999. We work as an independent broker and have a full range of financial products including life insurance, annuities, RRIF’s and TFSA’s.

E-mail us

Just send us a question and we will get back to you as soon as possible. From Monday to Friday you can expect to receive an answer in less than 24 hours.

email Email: info@lifeannuities.com


If you want to directly give us a call, feel free to ring our toll free number during office hours. Office hours are on Monday to Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m Est. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday and on Canadian National Holidays.

telephone Toll Free: 1-888-970-1470

Visit us

Life Annuities.com Inc.
1120 Bay Street
Gravenhurst, Ontario
P1P 1Z9